Florida State Pre-law Society


 Thank you for your interest in the Florida State Pre-Law Society. Our mission is to encourage students to successfully enter the legal profession by gaining experience and knowledge about law school, the admissions process and the legal profession.

 An inducted member of the society can participate in several of our activities. They can participate in mock trial and our social events. They are able to go to our biweekly meetings and listen to speakers concerning the legal realm.  They receive insight to the application process. They have access to all of our resources for the LSAT. They have a $150 discount at KAPLAN for the LSAT Prep Course. They receive a Pre-Law T-shirt and upon graduation, and may receive graduation chords.

 To become an inducted member, you must pay your $30 in dues, have a minimum of 10 documented community service hours, and attend 51% of our functions. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let us know.

 Thanks again for your interest in our society. We hope your time at Florida State will be awesome; we know your time with the Florida State Pre-Law Society will be priceless.


Cade Carter


President, Florida State Pre-Law Society